Have you just discovered there's a bench warrant out for your arrest in Florida? Maybe you missed a court date because of a family emergency, or perhaps you never even received notice of the hearing. Whatever the circumstances, an outstanding bench warrant (also known as an alias capias warrant) puts your freedom at risk – you could be arrested at any time, even during a routine traffic stop.

If you have a bench warrant in Palm Beach Gardens, or the surrounding area in Broward or Palm Beach County, the guide below discusses what you need to know about bench warrants.

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What is a Bench Warrant?

bench warrant in Palm Beach Gardens | Florida bench warrant lawyer

A bench warrant, formally known as an alias capias warrant in Florida, is a court order authorizing law enforcement to take you into custody. Unlike arrest warrants issued for new crimes, bench warrants are typically issued by judges when someone fails to appear for a scheduled court date or violates other court obligations. 

In Palm Beach County, these warrants remain active until they're properly addressed through the court system. This means you could be arrested months or even years after the warrant was issued – often at the most inconvenient times, like during a job interview, while traveling or returning to Florida as an out-of-state tourist.

Consequences of an Outstanding Bench Warrant in Florida

Having an active bench warrant in Florida can severely impact your life in ways you might not expect: 

  • Immediate arrest if encountered by law enforcement 
  • Potential bond forfeiture from your original case 
  • Additional criminal charges for failure to appear 
  • Driver's license suspension 
  • Difficulty obtaining employment or housing 
  • Travel restrictions and potential airport detention 
  • Professional license complications 
  • Immigration status implications 

Common Reasons Bench Warrants Are Issued in Florida

Understanding why bench warrants are issued can help you avoid them in the future:

  • Missing scheduled court appearances 
  • Failing to pay court-ordered fines or restitution 
  • Violating probation terms 
  • Not completing court-mandated programs 
  • Failing to appear for jury duty 
  • Missing child support hearings 
  • Violating domestic violence injunctions 

How to Handle an Outstanding Bench Warrant in Florida

If you discover you have an outstanding bench warrant, do not ignore it. The situation will not resolve itself, and delays only make matters worse. Here are the immediate steps you should take: 

  1. Do not attempt to handle the warrant yourself at the courthouse 

  1. Contact an experienced bench warrant attorney immediately 

  1. Avoid contact with law enforcement until your attorney develops a strategy 

  1. Gather any documentation related to your original case 

  1. Be prepared to explain why you missed your court date or violated court orders 

Contact Our Experienced Palm Beach Gardens Bench Warrant Attorney

Palm Beach Gardens drug possession lawyer

Resolving a bench warrant requires detailed knowledge of Florida's criminal justice system and established relationships with local courts. At The Law Offices of Matthew Konecky, we understand the urgency of your situation and have extensive experience helping clients throughout Palm Beach County clear their outstanding warrants. 

When you work with our firm, we take immediate action to address your bench warrant:

  1. Initial Case Review: We thoroughly examine your warrant and underlying case to understand all circumstances. 
  2. Court Communication: We contact the appropriate court to confirm the warrant's status and begin negotiations for resolution. 
  3. Warrant Recall Strategy: We develop a plan to convince the judge to recall your warrant, often without requiring you to turn yourself in. 
  4. Case Resolution: We address both the warrant and the underlying case to prevent future legal complications. 

Schedule a Consultation

Contact us immediately by clicking the button above or calling (561) 671-5995 to discuss your bench warrant case with our experienced legal team. Let us help you resolve this situation before it leads to more serious consequences.